Book - Swellen's Reckoning: Renegade General Book One

Book - Swellen's Reckoning: Renegade General Book One
 US$ 18.50 


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Swellen's Reckoning 
by W. Hock Hochheim 

“Lt. General Mordecai “Swoop” Swellen was born a fighting man. He was once known for his violent raids and attacks on any and all enemies, some were criminals, but many were raiding, warring American Indians. When so ordered he would “swoop” in and decimate any declared enemy. He was also known for his tactical brilliance and sudden viciousness, branding iron, red hot anger!      

But in 1890, Swellen had some kind of change of heart. He was faced with enraging the local Lakota Indians near his fort, which he knew would lead to disaster. He walked away from his command just before the Massacre at Wounded Knee, disobeying all orders and disappeared. AWOL. His vindictive superiors branded him a coward, a traitor to the United States and issued a wanted dead or alive $1,000 bounty on his head. The military orchestrated a massive hunt for him. Swellen struggles to stay one step ahead of his many bounty hunting pursuers and the United States Army.      

In “Swellen’s Reckoning” we learn his “origin story,” and how as a fugitive he became involved with a new invention, a  mountain-climbing, cog and rail train system, and it’s company from Sicily working in Pikes Peak, Colorado. He’s hired by the Sicilian owner-inventor Arturo Zapello to thwart sabotage, theft and murder within his own company, and further foil one of his sinister crew chiefs, Carlo Greco, also a renowned swordsman obsessed with challenging the locals to sword duels to their death.          

Many reckonings befall Swoop and all those around him in this, his first adventure, as the trap closes in and in...”

“The rambunctious, wild, temper-tantrum, Swoop Swellen first appeared in the pages of the international thriller China Alamo as a surprise supporting character, and by popular demand, he returns in this “Renegade General” series all on his own. Action, adventure, intrigue, mystery, gunfights, fistfights, vindictive swordfights and revenge in the “new west” of the 1890s all surround Swoop Swellen as the trap closes in and in...!" 

"Hey Hock, when is Swoops next adventure? I finished book one, Swellen's Reckoning, this morning on my daily walk (Audible). It's like you're walking along with me, telling the story. Great job on the narration! I listen to a lot of talking books since I walk every morning and when I'm was on the road, so great job!" - Clayton Schneider, Decatur, Alabama

Paperback - $18.50 plus postage, purchase right here.

Ebook - Now! $2.99 Click here

Audio Book -Now! See Amazon Audible click here

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